If you are planning to add a new kitchen extension to your home, you may need planning permission from your local authority and will certainly require building regulations approval. Should you add the new kitchen extension without gaining the relevant permissions, the authority may force you to change things back to how they were previously. Kitchen planning permission is normally required for major alterations, to change how buildings and land are used and for new buildings. You won’t normally need planning permission to make changes inside a build, to add modestly-sized walls and fences or to make minor alterations to the outside of your home. If your project does not require planning permission, it will come under the umbrella of permitted development rights.
Rules can vary from area to area, so it’s vital to find out what your local authority’s regulations are. As much of our work is in and around Bournville, we have experience of working on many properties that fall within the Bournville Village Trust. We are aware of the specific areas requiring separate permission from the Trust in addition to usual local authority requirements.
If you’re unsure about what your Permitted Development rights are and whether your plans are covered by them, you may be able to gain confirmation from your local building authority for a modest fee. However, this is not possible in some areas and you will need to submit an application. Even if your project is not covered by your permitted development rights, you may still be accepted when you apply for planning permission. If your application is refused, you can adapt your plans to gain approval. One reason why garage conversions have become so popular is that they don’t require planning permission as long as all work is internal and the building itself is not enlarged. If you are extending without the need for planning permission or are opening up a span in excess of 1.8m, building regulations will be required. This triggers a schedule of inspections which Creating Better Homes can coordinate at the right intervals. This ensures the work carried out on your home meets specific standards that show the installation is energy-efficient and safe. We also offer a service where we submit your building regulations applications. If you require more information on this please ask to speak to Alison on 01527 542079.
At Creating Better Homes, we can help to provide you with common sense advice on planning permission, building regulations and permitted development rights for extensions, garage conversions and renovations.